Company Policy - AgroKings

Company Policy

Occupational Safety & Health Policy Statement (OSHA)

AgroKings is committed to ensuring high standards of occupational safety and health on our premises and on our farms, in order to prevent injury, ill-health, and damage to property and loss of life. Our aim is to create a safety culture where all staff believe that injuries, illness and fatalities are foreseeable and preventable and act in a manner that demonstrates their personal commitment to this aim.

Environmental Policy Statement

In line with our Mission Statement that inspires sustainability, our aim is to create proactive environmental culture in which all Agro Kings’ employees believe that all forms of pollution, depletion, emission, explosion fire, spillage and leakage are foreseeable and preventable. All staff should act in a manner that demonstrates their personal commitment to this goal.

Quality Policy Statement

Agro Kings is committed to ensuring quality is embedded in our Supply Chain and to our external and internal customers at all times. To win consumers’ confidence and loyalty, we consistently deliver excellent quality service and by applying high standards, we are able to cut waste, reduce costs and drive profitability.

Anti-Child Labor Policy Statement

Agro Kings Limited does not employ children as workforce in any of our factories or warehouses. West and by the tenets of Children’s Act 1998 (Act 560) of the Republic of Ghana. We affirm that no child shall be allowed access to work within our premises and on our farms as our commitment to this pledge. We will also ensure all staff, suppliers, contractors, partners and other third parties are aware of the policy and commit to its compliance.

Anti-Bribery & Corruption

We do not subscribe to acts that facilitate the inducement of any officer of the public for our benefit. We abhor all forms of Bribery or Corruption in our dealings. We expect fairness and integrity to prevail in all transactions. All staff, suppliers, contractors, partners and other third parties are aware of the policy and commit to its compliance. We reserve the right to cancel any transaction if it is perceived to facilitate bribery and corruption.

Anti-Money Laundering

Agro Kings Limited prohibits money laundering and any activity that facilitates money laundering or the funding of criminal activities. We comply with all applicable requirements under the Bank of Ghana and its implementing regulations. We reserve the right to cancel any transaction if it is perceived to facilitate money laundering or criminal activity.

Human Rights Policy

Agro Kings Limited is committed to providing an environment free of discrimination and harassment, where all individuals are treated with respect and dignity, can contribute fully, and have equal opportunities.